Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

I have to answer some stuffs. this is how it goes :

1. Where is your cell phone?oh no i forgot where my cell phone .gaaaaah
2. Your hair? blue black
3. Your mother? teacher
4. Your father? business man
5. Your favorite food? ramen noodles
6. Your dream last night? hmm.im so scary to tell it :'(
7. Your favorite drink? Pomegranate Juice
8. Your dream/goal?profesional design graphic
9. What room are you in? bedroom
10. Your hobby? make some different think
11. Your fear? Allah SWT
12. What do you want to be in 6 years? succes
13. Where were you last night? my grandma's house
14. Something you aren't? gosht name 'p'
15. Muffins?yayaya i loved
16. Wish list item? hmmm -_-
17. Where did you grow up? tangerang city
18. Last thing you did? try out at my school =.=
19. What are you wearing? t-shirt,hot pants,flip flop ~simple~
20. Your TV? toshiba
21. Your pets? none
22. Your friends? AWESOME
23. Your life? so great! enough
24. Your mood? exhausted
25. Missing someone? hmm...my boyfriend maybe
26. Vehicle? my mio motor cycle and my apv arena
27. Something you're not wearing? blouse with horizontal line
28. Your favorite store? hmm,many more
29. Your favorite color? blue,purple,pink,black
30. When was the last time you laughed? an hour ago with my friends at primagama
31. Last time you cried? at wednesday (16 feb 2010)
32. Your best friend? delly,tiwi,habibah,tiara,nithy,puput,ariel,oky,nawang,yasir
33. One place where I go over and over again? bandung
34. One person who emails me regularly? facebook and twitter notifications
35. Favorite place to eat? my living room

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